What brought you to Bread for Life?
About 6 years ago Donna Ayer invited me to join the board. I was honored to become a board member of this amazing organization.
How did your involvement at BFL evolve to where it is today?
After a year or two on the board, I joined the finance committee. When BFL decided to form the social enterprise committee, I left the finance committee and became chair of the social enterprise committee. This was a real turning point for me in my involvement. It gave me the opportunity to get to know and work with our clients on a much more personal level.
Our first social enterprise was the Southington Honey Company, then expanded to include the Southington Bread Company. Both of these enterprises are staffed by our clients who do an amazing job and get experience that will hopefully prepare them for work outside BFL.
Currently I am tutoring one of our clients who is attempting to pass the GED test. I have been working with him since March and it has been one of the most rewarding things I have ever done. Our client has worked very hard and has already passed two portions. I am sure his hard work and dedication will pay off and I can’t wait until we can hold a super graduation party for him.
I am hopeful that I will be able to continue working one-on-one with other clients who might want to further their education.
Favorite BFL memory?
My favorite memory is the first day I met the clients who volunteered to work at the Southington Honey Company and watching them grow as the project moved ahead. It was so great to see these guys take on new responsibilities with energy and dedication. This was also the first time I met the person I am tutoring.
Impact volunteering has had on you?
It has given me a new appreciation for the people we serve and all the volunteers who work with them. There are so many amazing, creative volunteers involved with BFL and I am honored to know and work with them.
Advice to those thinking about volunteering?
Just do it! The feeling you get from helping others and watching the result of your service is priceless.